Regardless of how big or little your company is, you likely have a treasure trove of useful information. For this data to be properly exploited, you may require a data lake, a data warehouse, and tools to process, analyze, display, and obtain insights. Use the data you already have to your advantage with the help of Kp ThinkSpace.


Success Narratives

"Working with KP ThinkSpace, Alives was able to increase application uptime to over 99.99%. This led to a 40% drop in overall infrastructure costs and a 47% drop in daily operational costs."

Ravinder Singh CEO, Alives

Cloud Data Engineering: A Primer for Beginners

Our Data Modernization Analysis is the first step in transforming raw data into actionable intelligence. KP ThinkSpace's cloud-native services can shorten the time it takes to gain insight into your data, whether you're trying to build a data lake, make machine learning deployments more streamlined, move away from expensive commercial databases, collect business intelligence, or optimise data flows between systems.


Machine Learning Strategy Assessment

You can speed up and make your machine learning activities more useful while relieving your data scientists of the need to manage the infrastructure, data, and automation that support them.

Data Modernization Strategy Assessment

Learn data engineering and Azure to accelerate cloud native adoption. Data modernization can help you make the decision seemlessly. Click here for more.

Data Lake Strategy Assessment

Rapidly deploy a low-code data lake to do code-free exploratory data analysis. Azure serverless can help build the best-in-class data lake pool. Learn more by clicking here!

Why ThinkSpace?

Cloud Data Engineering

KP ThinkSpace is a cloud-based data analysis platform built by experts that can quickly transform your raw, unstructured data into actionable insights through the use of data visualization and reporting. Your company may benefit from our tried-and-true KP ThinkSpace delivery approach by having our team of cloud data professionals implement it.



How to Get Started with Need to Engineering On Your Data?

With a large number of Azure Certified Professionals on our team, we have a comprehensive understanding of how the system operates and how we can make the most of Azure's capabilities.